
Verizon Wireless Voicemail Supports Fax

Learned something new this week, the voicemail on my Verizon Wireless mobile phone account supports storing faxes. To access the fax you call into the voicemail service and provide a number to send the fax to. After digging around the Verizon site the only reference to this that I could find was under Enhanced Voice Mail. Looks like the basic voicemail service doesn’t have this feature.

This is nice if you need to get a fax while you are on the go, but I’d really like to see is GrandCentral supporting fax reception. Then I could view faxes (PDF?) just by logging into my account, and printing it out only if I really need a hard copy.

10 replies on “Verizon Wireless Voicemail Supports Fax”

Thanks for posting this! I had asked someone to send over an important fax, and that person mixed up my verizon cellphone and fax numbers, and somehow managed to send it to my cellphone, while I kept waiting for it on my efax number. Much later when I checked my voicemail, I found “1 Fax message waiting. To print it, press 1”. I had no idea where it will get “printed”, hopefully not in Verizon’s operations center :). I did not want to lose it, so I hung up. I looked up VZ’s website, didn’t find anything, and finally came upon your post. I was then able to have it faxed back from my voicemail to my efax number. Cool.

How do I actually give the voice mail the number? I enter my voice mail it tells me “You have one new Fax”. It doesnt ask anything or do anythign else.


I too am experiencing the problem where I have a fax saved in my voice mail but can’t figure out how to print it. I tried hooking my computer up as a fax using microsoft fax then calling voice mail to get messages then there is an option to print to the fax machine your calling from then it says to hit start on your fax machine. So, I clicked receive now and I here the normal screeching of a fax but then the voice starts talking saying pres 9 to save the message and causes the fax to be interrupted
and I get a fax error.

I have used this feature for years. Verizons Enhanced Voicemail supports fax. In the voicemail setup one of the options is to set a phone number where you want your fax forwarded too. When the voicemail offers to print your fax the next choice will be 1: Print to your saved phone #. 2: Send it to the fax machine you are calling from. 3: Send it to another #.

I had determined that I must not have the enhanced Voicemail, you must have to pay extra for that. Anyway every number that I entered as a fax number to forward to it would tell me its an invalid number, even my fax number at work which I know is a valid number

I got a new phone (LG DARE) I just tried it again and it worked!!!
maybe it was something to do with my old razr phone was having other problems and just recently upgraded.

Thanks Again!

Glad to hear it Morry. To those who have realized that this is a function only available in Enhanced Voice Mail here is a good reason to have a Verizon rep to work with you. Your rep can activate it at no cost if he/she wants to and knows how. Don’t call Customer Service visit your local Verizon store.

I just tried it today. I have enhanced voicemail so can’t say if it would work without it, but by default, it assumes you are calling your voicemail from a fax machine. It uses caller id on the fax machine and forwards the fax to the machine you are calling from. If you are not calling from a fax machine, you can choose a number to fax to. I had to try 4 times to get it to take the number, first try i did 10 digits, 2nd two tries I did 1+10digits, third try i did 10 digits and it worked. So either i typo’ed the first time, and you do not dial 1 first, or there is a timing issue. I suspect a timing issue, because I’ve run into them in other parts of their menu system. I suggest waiting until after it is finished asking you to enter the new phone number, and leisurely enter the number in without a 1 prefix.

–Tim C

I asked a VZW representative and was told that there are 2 different voice mail plans with this fax option. One is Visual Voice Mail and it wasn’t available in my area. The other is Enhanced Voice Mail and she said that it was $4.95/month. She did say that if it’s something I only need occasionally that I could add it at the time I need it. So, I can’t try it out.

Is there any other way around this? All of you seem to have it functioning just fine.

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