
Introducing jQuery Edit In Place (JEIP)

The first version of jQuery Edit In Place (JEIP) is ready. The UI and features basically the same as my older Prototype based edit in place code, with a few extra tidbits thrown in for good measure.

It works in the typical jQuery style, as a plugin off of the main jQuery object. Here’s a simple example that makes all elements with a class of ‘edit-this’ editable and sends the form data to ‘save.php’:

[sourcecode language=”javascript”]
$( “.edit-this” ).eip( “save.php” );

Check out the JEIP page for a details on what data the XHR includes and what the expected response needs to be. There’s also a long list of options that the eip function supports.

You can dive in by taking a look at this basic demo and then downloading version 0.1.0 of jeip.js.