Blogging Web Gets Funding

Om Malik notes that got funding for expansion and growth. This isn’t exactly news, the initial announcement last month mentioned that Joshua had taken on outside investment. What we didn’t know was who was doing the investing. Now we do:

Union Square Ventures leads the investment group, and the other members
are, Marc Andreessen, BV Capital, Esther Dyson, Seth Goldstein,
Josh Koppelman, Howard Morgan, Tim O’Reilly, and Bob Young.

We still don’t know how much the investment came to, but Om guesses between $2 and $3 million. My gut feeling is that it is unlikely to be any higher than that since Joshua still has the majority stake of Then again, who knows 🙂

I hope that we see positive results from this sooner rather than later. As much as I’d like to use there are still way too many unanswered/unresolved issues for me to commit all of my bookmarks to it. Until things get better my use of won’t be leaving the gee whiz level.