Blogging Web

Blog Entry References

I whipped up a quick WordPress plugin to add entry reference searching using Bloglines, Feedster, Technorati and Blogdigger. It is pretty basic, but does the job. I got the idea from Jeremy Zawodny’s Blog, where I saw it for the first time earlier today.

This is one of those obvious things that I kick myself over because I should have thought of it a long time ago.

Update 5:50 pm 27 Aug 2004: I modified the plugin a little bit so that I can use it to create links that search for references to this site instead of just a specific blog entry. Check out the ‘reference search’ area of the side section just above the calendar.

Update 12:10 pm 28 Aug 2004: I’ve removed Blogdigger from the reference search plugin because their search seems to only work occasionally.