
Do Not Push Button

Do Not Push Button I walk by this button and the sign above it several times a day. Do you have any idea how tempting it is tap that button every time I go by it?

The button is next to the front door of our office suite. The door has an electronic lock and it was decided that we didn’t want to have the door scheduled to be unlocked all day (we lock the door for lunch hour), so they installed a button to toggle the door between locked and unlocked. Instead of installing it under the receptionist desk (or some other inconspicuous place) it was installed right next to the door (at least it was installed on the correct side).

Being a fairly large red button we had problems with people pushing it (the button does say push after all), which caused the door to be locked or unlocked more or less randomly through out the day. So the sign went up above the button. For the most part people are pretty good about not pushing the button. But if they are anything like me, they think about pushing it most of the time.