
Web Fonts & Preload

Bram Stein on leveraging the W3C Preload spec for font performance:

To solve this we need pre­load hints for web fonts. If we can tell the browser that we def­i­nitely need a font, it can start down­load­ing it much ear­lier. This will sig­nif­i­cantly im­prove per­ceived and ac­tual per­for­mance. Fonts that are down­loaded ear­lier will ren­der sooner and de­crease the im­pact of block­ing ren­der­ing (or the snap that hap­pens when fall­back fonts are re­placed by web fonts).

Fonts are an on going issue for web site performance. I’m still wondering if Google ( Alphabet? ) is going to do a study on the most used fonts and start shipping them with Chrome. Perhaps a font extension pack?