
Mac Backup To Dreamhost

When I posted a brief comparison to Amazon S3 and Dreamhost one thing I didn’t do was suggest how one could actually use Dreamhost in a similar way as S3, like backups. For S3 Jungle Disk is one option for backups. Now there is a how to on backing up your Mac to Dreamhost (part 2).

Another approach would involve using MacFUSE with the ssh module. Have I mentioned how much I’d like to see Apple include MacFUSE in OS X by default? Well, I would, a lot.

What this approach doesn’t do that Jungle Disk does is encrypt the files on your remote backup. But on the other hand S3 has a file size limit of 5GB, as long as it isn’t between 2GB and 4GB. So really S3 on supports files sizes from 1-2GB and 4-5GB. Each method has pros and cons.