New function, make_slug –
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if ( !function_exists( ‘make_slug’ ) ) {
function make_slug( $str ) {
$url_str = strtolower( trim( $str ) );
$url_str = preg_replace( ‘/[s_]+/’, ‘-‘, $url_str );
$url_str = preg_replace( ‘/-{2,}/’, ‘-‘, $url_str );
$url_str = preg_replace( ‘/[^a-z0-9-]/’, ”, $url_str );
return $url_str;
This takes a string and returns a slug that is more URL friendly. For example “Do This_Today – Please
” would become “do-this-today-please
The approach is pretty simple:
- lower case everything (line 3)
- replace space and underscore with dash (line 5)
- replace two or more dashes with a single dash (line 6)
- remove any other characters that aren’t a-z, 0-9 or a dash (line 7)