
O’Reilly Connection

Yesterday O’Reilly Connection was announced by Tim. I’m not sure why, but I received an early invite via email last week and started my profile. The initial work for this was done by Greenplum (business software using PostgreSQL) and continued by some O’Reilly folks. So presumably the back end database for the site is PostgreSQL. I couldn’t find any other official information about what runs the site, but the web server is Apache 2 with the PHP 4 module installed. As with basically everything else that comes out on the web lately, the site is still in “beta”.

I haven’t been real excited about the whole social networking idea for websites. Instead of trying to be everything to everyone, O’Reilly Connection seems to be focused on helping you hook up with people who have the skills that you need for a project or job. In remains to be seen if this is something that people will be interested in enough for it to be sustained in the long haul.

Perhaps going through the entire process of filing out my skills and job history will inspire to me to update my resume. Hmmm, perhaps generating a resume from the data in your profile would be a useful service?