
PHP4 No More?

Just a day for talking about PHP I guess 🙂

PHP 4 end of life announcement:

Today it is exactly three years ago since PHP 5 has been released. In those three years it has seen many improvements over PHP 4. PHP 5 is fast, stable & production-ready and as PHP 6 is on the way, PHP 4 will be discontinued.

The PHP development team hereby announces that support for PHP 4 will continue until the end of this year only. After 2007-12-31 there will be no more releases of PHP 4.4. We will continue to make critical security fixes available on a case-by-case basis until 2008-08-08. Please use the rest of this year to make your application suitable to run on PHP 5.

The clock is ticking, with about 200 days of PHP4 releases remaining, after that all bets are off. What I was really hoping as part of this announcement is a commitment to a PHP6 time line. I’m sure there are plenty of people who would rather just go directly to PHP6 instead. I think they should have waited to make this move until the first PHP6 release.