
Utah PHP Users Group Presentation: Anatomy of a PHP Request

I’ll be presenting at the next Utah PHP Users Group (UPHPU) meeting on Anatomy of a PHP Request:

Ever wondered what really happens when your PHP script runs? I’ll cover the major milestones in the life and times of a PHP request (read, parse, compile, execute, output ) and where to look for road bumps along the way. There are lots of tools available to make your PHP purr like a kitten, so I’ll dive into op code caches (with APC), op code dumps (with VLD – Vulcan Logic Dumper), and profiling (with Xdebug and webgrind). It will be a great time digging a little deeper in to PHP!

The meeting is at:

April 15, 2010 @7pm

Bill Good Marketing
12393 Gateway Park Place
Suite 600
Draper, UT 84020

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