
Skype on PS Vita, Seven Years Late

Yesterday Skype launched for the PS Vita, which is pretty cool. It is just seven years late is all.

After using a Sony PSP back in April 2005 I wrote Sony PSP, Can It Do VOIP?. I specifically suggested Skype support:

So VOIP on a PSP. Hmmmm, what would sort of software would you actually use to do such a thing? Then another idea came to mind, Skype. If you could port Skype to the PSP then you’d not only be able to VOIP with your PSP, you’d get all of the other things Skype can do. VOIP to VOIP calls, VOIP to POTS calls, conference calls, file transfers and chat. You’d be limited to where you could get WiFi access, but it’s a start.

With Skype now pwned owned by Microsoft, this seems like a strange time to make this move. I would have expected Microsoft push for Skype support on the Xbox to happen before a competing platform.