
WordCamp Utah Recap

WordCamp Utah was on Saturday and nothing exploded, so were calling it a success! Another round of applause for our sponsors that helped make it possible:

And a big thank you for everyone that came to the event. Our estimated attendance was 135 people. This number might be a little bit low, it’s our best estimate at this point.

With the big day having come and gone, I’ve been thinking about what thinks went well and what I might have done differently. The scheduled probably should have just included 10 (15?) minute breaks between each session. Balancing between developer desires and user desires was still a big issue, going with multiple tracks would have helped that I think.

On the plus side doing things through EventBrite and Paypal was good. Lunch worked out well (I really wanted to make sure no one felt like they didn’t get enough food), especially having it served by the folks doing the catering (The Smokehouse). Having key specific things handled by volunteers, like registration (thanks Clint, Sheri & Shauna!) was a huge help.

What about you? If you were at WordCamp Utah what did you think went well and what could be improved upon?