
Google Web Accelerator

When I saw the announcement for the new Google Web Accelerator, my first thought was: why bother? The idea is certainly nothing new, just a specialized proxy setup that caches data and delivers it in a compressed format. Sure, it could make things faster, but what does Google get out of the deal? A ton of info about users browsing habits, sure, but I don’t think that is it. I think it what they are hoping for is something much more traditional.

I suspect that Google hopes to find more sites to index. I’m sure that Google (and Yahoo! and MSN Search for that matter) are doing pretty good jobs with their spiders, but I suspect there are still plenty of sites that haven’t been found by any of them. I’m sure every site requested through their proxy will be checked against their search index.

So what other already existing technology will Google try to improve on (and use to their own advantage) next?

One reply on “Google Web Accelerator”

Giggling Madly Here – PT Barnum Would Have Been So Proud!

This is a great program for those users who don’t know anything at all regarding how computers and/or the internet actually works, and who just want to experience the “feel good illusion” of (not really) increased speed by having this entirely useless acceleration program on their hard drive.

I always laugh out loud whenever anyone proudly exclaims: “The program ‘says’ I saved 6.9 hours, so I’m very satisfied!” Big deal; the program could also say: “You’re now twice as good-looking” or perhaps even “Congratulations you’re a millionaire!” Without being able to verify any programs’ “claims” (or better put: assertions) it is just that: A totally unverifiable assertion!

Still you’ve got to admire Google’s chutzpa here! I’m guessing that it has to be the most hilarious bit of shell-game spyware ever invented by any company in the entire history of computer or Internet use and development.

Very clever really, when you consider that the trade off is that users “think” they’re getting “increased” internet speed; in exchange for revealing exact the name of every single webpage that you ever visit from the moment that you install Google Web Accelerator until (hopefully) the moment you wise up and remove it.

After Google Web Accelerator is installed it does absolutely nothing to improve browsing. Also Google Web Accelerator collects copies of web pages, (including prefetched pages that you did not even visit), in the Google Web Accelerator cache on your computer.

All this does in effect; is collect and store a gazillion MB of temp files every time you use it for a session of surfing. Try using something like CCleaner after running Google Web Accelerator and browsing the internet for a few hours and see the results for yourself!

And Google gets to know the exact the name of every single webpage that you ever visit for products, news, banking, whatever! This is very valuable information to have; not only does Google know everything you click on, but you get absolutely nothing in return for this info.

Finally, Google admits on their own support page that any and all passwords, e-mail addresses etc. you enter in a web form (e. g. when purchasing an item online) will be funneled via their systems. If you enter personally identifiable information (such as an email address) onto a form on an unencrypted web page, the sites will send this information through Google.

Had he lived long enough to see this, P.T. Barnum; the person who coined the phrase: “A Sucker is Born Every Minute” would most certainly consider those who download, install and leave this program on their computers to be suckers indeed!

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