
Movie Review: Superman Returns

Sarah and I went to see Superman Returns last Friday. I really wanted to like this movie. I’ve seen all the original Superman movies (yes even 3 and 4) and read my fair share of Superman comics as a kid. Strangely enough, my biggest worry before seeing the movie was having Brandon Routh play Superman. After seeing the movie though he turned out to be one of the better parts of the film. I think he does a good job in the dual roles of Clark Kent and Superman, playing them very much in the same style as Reeve.

I don’t have too many other positive things to say about this movie though. To sum it up, I wasn’t thrilled with the story they tried to tell. I felt like too much of it was very un-Superman like. Just like Star Wars though, it really doesn’t matter how bad it is, you are still going to see it. It is Superman after all.

I’ve opted to not give specific details about my complaints because it would spoil the movie for those who haven’t seen it. Besides, I’m sure you’ll know what I’m talking about after you see it 🙂

2.5 out of 5 for a very un-Superman like story line.

2 replies on “Movie Review: Superman Returns”

I’m with you… I thought the movie was just so so… I’m all for suspending belief but there’s one thing that always cracks me up in the Superman movies:

1. a guy from another planet (no problem)
2. a guy that can fly (cool)
3. a guy with xray vision (fair enough)
4. a guy with superhuman strength (yup)
5. a guy whose only disguise is a pair of prescription glasses yet nobody catches on (I just can’t get over it, it’s so preposterous!)

I thought Superman Returns was terrific. It carried on very logically from what was established in Superman I & II. I was surpised they managed to pull that off, as I was quite skeptical about that aspect.

I do agree with you, though, that Brandon Routh’s performance was the surprise highlight of the film! I thought I’d have trouble accepting someone besides Christopher Reeve as Superman on the big screen, but Routh made the transition as seamless as possible. I really feel like this movie was a fitting tribute to Reeve, while also setting up the new adventures to come.

Regarding the Clark Kent disguise that another responder mentioned, I just see that as part of the fun of Superman. That piece of the myth was invented in a simpler time and I’m glad it has managed to stick around through all of the incarnations.

Yeah, it might be a hokey disguise but if you can believe a man can fly, then buying into this is part of the package. I think Reeve and Routh did the best job differentiating the Kent and Superman personas to make it as believable as possible.

Although I think Dean Cain did a fantastic job as Clark Kent, I always felt the two personas were basically the same on Lois & Clark – making the Superman disguise (as it was in the case of that show, rather than CK) less believable.

I would say generally the same about the George Reeves Superman vs. Kent, but that show was from a simpler time as well.

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