
Letter and Numbers

On the family computer (Windows XP) we have an account setup just for the kids to use. It has it’s own password, which didn’t take long for my 5 year to memorize.

One day while sitting at the computer she came up to me and asked me for my letters and numbers. I looked at her for a minute and asked her what she meant. Then she rattled off the password for her account and said that mommy and daddy knew her letters and numbers and she wanted to know mine. Then it dawned on me, she was asking for the password to my account on the family computer!

After suppressing the laughter that was building inside I explained that she only needed the password for her account and not for other peoples accounts.

I still get a laugh out of that just thinking about it.

4 replies on “Letter and Numbers”

Man, I can totally picture Alice saying that! Almost as cute as her “I’m as snug as a bug in a rug” when she saw Rachel’s quilt.

That’s great. Funny story!

My kids eventually learned the Admin password because we have a limit on the time they can spend on the computer and during specific hours. I never adjusted this time, so after them watching over our shoulder when letting them into the Admin account to play on unrestricted times, they just eventually started logging in themselves.

I’m sorta proud they learned their first l337 h4x0r 5KiLl2 of shoulder surfing, but I can be kicked in the pants for being lazy.

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