
Groundhog Day

Tonight would be a good time to watch the movie Groundhog Day

6 replies on “Groundhog Day”

Late last night I noticed STARZ had a Groundhog Day marathon. You might able to jump in at any time. 🙂

One of my favorite movies; every time I watch it, I notice something new. The last sentence in the movie (by Bill Murray) is a little quirky & could have been an ad lib–he says to Rita “Lets live here!” and then “We’ll rent to start” as Nat King Cole begins singing the song “What a day this has been.”

I found your blog because of a post you did last year on Samuel Seymour being on I’ve Got a Secret in 1956. I was 9 at the time & vividly remember seeing that live show & being amazed that someone who was in Ford’s theater that night in 1865 was still alive. I remember he was very feeble & it took him a long time to make his way to his seat next to Gary Moore.

So, I was going over the news and found a comment in an old article:

“Joseph Scott” musing:
I’d like a larger address space as much as the next guy, but using phrases like:
It’s estimated that we’ll be out of IPv4 addresses within the next 2 years.
Doesn’t really help your argument at all, as we’ve been hearing this for a dozen years now. IPng anyone?”

And look at that, just under 2 years:,+Eyes+on+IPv6.htm

Did you read the article? What has happened is that the IPv4 blocks from ICANN have been all assigned to the regional NICs, which is turn will still be assigning out IPv4 blocks to customers. So people will still be able to get new IPs. Is this an event of significance? Yes. Has been over sensationalized compared to what has actually happened? Yes. The headline should read something like “ICANN distributes final IPv4 blocks to regional NICs”.

Even with everything that has happened people still haven’t jumped to IPv6 in a big way.

And then there are the giant wasted blocks of IPv4 space that could potentially be reclaimed. Like do we really need to reserve all of 127.*.*.* just so that most folks can use just Also check out the large section of ‘Future Use’ blocks on some of those likely could be put to use.

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