
Mac OS X Screenshot Keyboard Shortcuts

Mac OS X has numerous keyboard shortcuts, a handful of which will do screenshots for you:

  • Shift-Command-3 : Screenshot of the whole screen, automatically saved as ‘Picture 1.png’ to your desktop.
  • Shift-Control-Command-3 : Screenshot of the whole screen copied to the clipboard.
  • Shift-Command-4 : Selection of the screen, automatically saved as ‘Picture 1.png’ to your desktop.
  • Shift-Control-Command-4 : Selection of the screen copied to the clipboard.

I’ve found the ‘Shift-Command-4’ shortcut particularly handy (when I can remember it). It switches the mouse cursor into a cross-hair target and tells you the size of the image that you are selecting. Then *poof* the image file gets saved to your desktop.

Update: Mike Grace suggested Shift-Command-4 then press the space bar. That captures a screenshot of an entire window and saves it to your desktop as ‘Picture 1.png’. Nice!