
Revenue And Profit, Per Employee

Two years ago Dustin Curtis mentioned 2015 revenue and profit per employee for Yahoo, Twitter, Microsoft, Google, and Facebook.

I thought this was an interesting way to look at this list, so I’m going update it, with a few changes. First, I’m going to remove Yahoo ( Oath? ). Next, I’m adding Amazon and Netflix.

The revenue/profit will be for calendar year 2017, with the exceptions of Microsoft ( 30 Jun 2017 ) and Apple ( 30 Sep 2017 ). The numbers are pulled from the Yahoo ( Oath? ) Finance pages: “Total Revenue” and “Net Income”.

Total Employees

Twitter: 3,400
Netflix: 4,800
Facebook: 27,742
Google: 80,110
Apple: 100,000
Microsoft: 124,000
Amazon: 566,000

Revenue Per Employee

Amazon: $314,250 ( $177,866,000,000 / 566,000 )
Twitter: $718,617 ( $2,443,299,000 / 3,400 )
Microsoft: $725,403 ( $89,950,000,000 / 124,000 )
Google: $1,383,784 ( $110,855,000,000 / 80,110 )
Facebook: $1,465,395 ( $40,653,000,000 / 27,742 )
Apple: $2,292,340 ( $229,234,000,000 / 100,000 )
Netflix: $2,435,981 ( $11,692,713,000 / 4,800 )

Profit Per Employee

Twitter: -$31,783 ( -$108,063,000 / 3,400 )
Amazon: $5,358 ( $3,033,000,000 / 566,000 )
Netflix: $116,443 ( $558,929,000 / 4,800 )
Google: $158,057 ( $12,662,000,000 / 80,110 )
Microsoft: $171,000 ( $21,204,000,000 / 124,000 )
Apple: $483,510 ( $48,351,000,000 / 100,000 )
Facebook: $573,859 ( $15,920,000,000 / 27,742 )

Twitter is still loosing money, but it is loosing a lot less than it was before.

I didn’t realize that Netflix was so low on the number of employees, yet their revenue is in the general ball park of much larger companies. To the studios it must look like Netflix is over there printing money. No wonder so many other companies want to start their own streaming content service.