
Tor Needs To Be Normal

Or at least not abnormal.


While discussing How To Be Secret, Tim Bray mentions:

You’ll note that I didn’t rec­om­mend us­ing Tor. For this sce­nar­i­o, I’m un­con­vinced that there’s a value-add. The Firm can de­tect Tor traf­fic, and so us­ing it feels to me like wav­ing a bright red “Secrets here!” flag.

Using Tor is not a cure all for privacy and security. In some cases the privacy might break down, and security could be even worse.

Even with all of the issues Tor will no doubt need to overcome in the future, it will need to be a viable option for many more years. One way that happens is to make the use of Tor more normal than it is today.

To contribute to that change, at least once a week I’m going to use Tor. I’d give it a catchy name like “Tor on Tuesdays”, but it shouldn’t be limited to the same day each week.